Despite battling the remnants of the flu which I've had since December 31st, I've been hard at work trying to
up my miniature count and signing on additional crew for my Legends of the High Seas game. I was able to polish off two more scalawags from Crusader Miniatures and one from the Reaper line of pirates. "Old Baldy" on the far right could use a bit more skin tone highlights, especially on the head, but for the most part I think they are passable for table top gaming.
Santoine de Fronze from Reaper and two crew from Crusader. |
On the workbench I currently have several more pirates nearing completion. Four are from Reaper, two from Black Scorpion, and five from
Artizan Miniatures. The pirates from Artizan are turning out to be a pleasant surprise. The miniatures are well sculpted with interesting stances and facial features. The clothing is loose and flowing which makes painting shades and highlights so much easier for a normal painter like myself. I'm especially fond of Abel with his blunderbuss and Moses with his dreadlocks. Moses reminds me of a local pirate reenactor named Black Caesar (who scares the bejesus out of me) and I'm using him as inspiration for the model.
Black Caesar presenting an award to the author. |
I am also in the process of gathering materials and drawing plans for a few Spanish colonial style buildings for my pirates to sack. While I do have an entire fleet of pirates ships in which to base scenarios, they will be more difficult to ready and convert for use than building simple structures out of foam board. I like the Spanish style better than the English architecture of the period but I may have to choose the latter due to the fact that I do not have appropriate miniatures to populate a Spanish colonial garrison or port. More minis to buy.............
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