Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dori the Dwarf - Late But Not Forgotten

When I posted Nori two weeks ago, I mentioned he was the last of the Dori, Nori, Ori trio to be completed.  Technically that was true.  However, I failed to photograph the older sibling and post him online.  Somehow he was lost in the shuffle and I did not realize the omission until it was pointed out to me by another reader. So here he is.... Dori the dwarf.

I'll forgo my normal painting commentary. To be honest, there's just not that much to talk about with Dori.  He's certainly not my best work and I'm finding it hard to get excited about Thorin and Company these days.  It seems like I've been working on them forever.  I think it's time for a change of plans...

As always, thanks for reading.  Or in this case, some reading and mostly looking....


  1. He looks very good. Your highlights always blend in very nicely with the midtones. How many minis did you have to prime in order to keep yourself busy during the humid season down there?

    1. Thank Nils. I was able to prime well over 100 miniatures. Not too shabby considering all the prep work needed to remove the flash and mold lines from each mini. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to my vikings. I didn't take into account the assembly period required for the plastic miniatures. Oh well, putting together the vikings will give me something to do over the rainy season when I need to take a break from painting.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Thanks Nathan. I'm following your blog closely. You're doing so great work there....

  3. excellent! Really good job mate!

    1. Thanks so much and thanks for reading!

  4. At least Dori looks like a dwarf. As usual, nice work on the paint.
