I've kept to my goal of not drybrushing the coins. Each coin thus far has been painted separately by hand. I'm glad I have done so. Though it may be difficult to tell from these low resolution iPhone photos, the coin horde is quite striking to the eye. I do have to admit however that I am doing it the hard way. Each coin, or stack of coins, has to be painted from several different angles. I usually start with the top of the coin, then I hold the base at eye level and rotate it around, brushing on color where needed. Otherwise the coins would look two dimensional without their sides painted. Drybrushing the coins first, followed by the stone gray color probably would have solved this problem. But I truly think the effect would be much less dramatic.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, most of the coins are/will be gold in color. As you can see in the photos, the gold really does contrast nicely with the gray. However, to break up the mass of gold I decided to add a few silver coins here and there. The effect is subtle but does the job nicely. When I finally get around to painting the assorted weapons and armor included in the treasure pile, the golden mass will be broken up even more.
I've dry fitted the dragon to the base. Wow! I had forgotten how massive the
I guess I should get back to painting coins. I estimate that I'm a little over halfway finished. Hopefully updated photos will be posted soon.
Thanks for reading!